Tuesday, October 22, 2019

reforming the system essays

reforming the system essays There are many areas within the criminal justice system that warrant attention, but it would be impossible to formulate solutions for all the problems at once. I have chosen to discuss three problems that I think should be addressed. One is the publics ignorance of their rights, the second is community notification of sex offender arrival, and the third is the competition between prison industries and public industries. Most of the public is very ignorant about their basic rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. This is a very fundamental problem that results in the abuse of citizens by authority figures and each other. If citizens were more aware of their rights, they could better protect themselves from exploitation and abuse. There are several simple ways to ameliorate this problem. One way is to include or improve the section on basic rights in high school civics classes. The rights need to be explained in terms that the students can understand and remember. Another way to educate the public is to run community service television and radio commercials featuring a new right each week. Bulletin boards that explain rights in simple terms could be posted in schools and other public places. Personal stories of violations of these rights could be used in the classes and commercials, as well as on the bulletin boards, to capture the attention of the audience. I think explaining citizen s rights in simple, interesting ways could improve their understanding of these rights and could help them better protect themselves. The problem of notifying communities of the arrival of sex offenders is very controversial. Convicted sex offenders are required to register in a new community, but is this a great enough precaution? Some of these offenders are very deceitful and predatory in nature, and it is very easy for them to take advantage of the trusting nature of others. I think the com ...

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